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Impact of Brexit on Major Financial Variables

Impact of Brexit on Financial Variables.png

Housing Price Index for United States


3 Month LIBOR based on US Dollar


1 Month LIBOR based on US Dollar


UK's Interaction with the European Union - Highly Interconnected and Mostly Beneficial

UK's Highly Interconnected Relationship with the EU1.png

Americans are Taking on Less Debt as % of Disposable Income

Americans are taking on less debt as a % of disposable income.png

Americans are Taking on Less Debt as % of Disposable Income

Americans are taking on less debt as a % of disposable income.png

S&P 500 10% Pullbacks Have Occurred, on Average, Once Per Year Since 1928

S&P 500 10% Pullbacks Have Occurred, on Average, Once Per Year Since 1928.jpg

The Growing Debt is Caused by a Structural Mismatch Between Spending and Revenues

The Growing Debt is Caused by a Structural Mismatch Between Spending and Revenues.png

New US Home Starts (000s)Significantly Below Historical Average Highlingting Potential Need For Growth

New US Home Starts (000s)Significantly Below Historical Average Highlingting Potential Need For Growth.png

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