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The "Top Dogs" Are Constantly Changing! (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 10.png

Our Return Forecasting Accuracy (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 9.png

Return Forecast Distributions & Probabilities of Return (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 8.png

Research Affiliates' Current Capital Markets Expectations (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 7.png

Historical Equity Return (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 5.png

Bond return forecasts

September 4.png

Historical Bond Return (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 3.png

Cumulative wealth differential: 60/40 blend minus equally weight portfolio, 1975-2020

September 2.png

Is Diversification Dead? A look by decade (Source: RAFI Indices)

September 1.png

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